Donnerstag, 7. Dezember 2017

Depeche Mode in Barcelona, December 7 or "live and there now with Manuel"

Coming back after the second Paris concert was even harder then after the first concert.
It was not easy to work and I was so happy as I lay in my bed.
Totally refreshed tomorrow morning I went to work again.
The whole day I got beautiful pictures of my friend Manuel. he is now in Barcelona watching the concert. From time to time I got a picture and a message via What's up.
So this is a kind of Liveblog.
Paris 2 will come tomorrow..

Manuel cancelled a lot of shows after the restart of the tour in Great Britain.
Depeche Mode changed " I feel you" against " Question of time" and this is not good for him, because it is his favorite song. And he is angry about the shortened setlist.
I understand him but for me this new setlist is a present. Not because of the song selection, but the setlist is very good for the mood and for Dave's kind of show. It is a huge party and I like it.
Depeche Mode fans are a little bit dull and I think I'm the dullest of all.

But back to Manuel.
So he spent his time today......on the roof of his hotel with swimming pool and Ocean view.... amazing. Looking very good, fine weather...heavenly!

The concert started later today, don#t forget they are in Spain now. At 8:45 o'clock p.m are the most 
Spaniards in a restaurant.

And after the last appearance of Re-Tro, Depeche Mode came out at 9:30.
The standing area was half empty at this time.

"It's no good", the mood is very good.

After "Barrel of the gun" Dave greeted the fans with " Goodevening Barcelona". 
What looked like a mistake in Paris 2 now seems to be his new plan.
Manuel sitting very high in front of the poor wheelchair users, but even a few of them standing now.
Dave came out on the catwalk  at " Pain that I used to", like every time.
But this is cry clever... after " Barrel...." the fans like it when the pace accelerates.

I have asked him for more photos and because now everyone is standing, he is standing, too, specially for us, for the blog.

From afar you can fully experience the really good light show and sometimes the overall mood. When you are very close, you think, wow, what a great concert, because you g are in good mood, but do not notice that behind you is no mood....

"Precious".... another pushing song.

After "Cover me" Martin sang " Insight"
Not with the "magnificent" Peter Gordeno.
This evening with the "terribly" Peter Gordeno, because he sang crooked.
Like in Paris 1. It is not a pleasure to hear this song like this...

Then " Home"... the screening started after the first verse...
again technical problems...
or the crew watching football while working because "Arsenal" is playing tonight in the Euroleague.
Maybe Martin would rather watch football today. It's just work for him, a normal office day, as it was for me this morning.

Meanwhile, many Spaniards sat down  again and Arsenal leads 6-0 against Borisov.

 "Everything counts" , this song brings the mood back to a boil. It is and remains the absolute highlight of every concert. And of course, Dave also praises the Barcelonans ( strange word, not sure if I could use this...?) with " Barcelona. you are really the best!"
In January 15, on my birthday, in Cologne, I think he could say : " Schulzi, you are really the best!"
I deserve it! 

"Stripped", this song is not on Manuel's favorite song list.

"Enjoy". No sing a-long like in Paris....

Hope you all enjoy this kind of blogging. I'm today this evening with my kids. 
Exceptionally not on a Depeche Mode concert so I'm now in my relaxing dress, tired from dinner, sitting on my couch and blogging for you.

" Never let me down again"

Can't wait to fly to Torino on Saturday.....

"Ole´,olé, olé, ole´
oh, I can imagine that so well. The football people par excellence and how they can sing ... another reason to look forward to Turin. Nobody sings better than the Italians ... they play football even better. Lol, I'm in a joke mood.....

" Strangelove"

"Walking in my shoes" with the nice Mikey Woodbridge.
He is often singing in Berlin, try to see him in January.

Very funny to sitting here, waiting on new pictures and comments of Manuel. 
I'll brush my teeth while I waiting, now

Ok, no picture of " Question of time" or a word of Manuel. He is still angry while missing " I feel you"

For that now pictures of " Personal Jesus".
I didn't take often pictures of this song because I have to dance to it. the perfect last song, forever....

wow, fantastic view.

this was an incredible evening for me, the time ran so fast.
Hope you have your fun, too.
Thank you Manuel!!!

And here now a few pictures of my friend Thomas. They speak a different language and this is what I mean, a concert feeling is absolutely individual.

Thank you Thomas for the pictures, thank you Timo for the setlist.

Thank you very much, see you next time!

#depechemode #globalspirittour #devotees #barcelona #mydailymodeblog

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